About Us

Welcome to Canvas Pop Art Gallery, where the vibrant beats of rock-n-roll and the electrifying spirit of pop art collide! Immerse yourself in the kaleidoscopic world of the late David Gildersleeve, a trailblazing artist who turned the canvas into a symphony of colors and rhythms.

At Canvas Pop Art Gallery, we celebrate the essence of the pop art movement, where everyday objects and iconic symbols are transformed into masterpieces that resonate with energy and boldness all brought to life with the brilliance of Canvas Giclee printing.

Dive into the GENERATIONS collection that transcends time, capturing the rebellious spirit of the '60s and '70s, decadent ‘80s, and electric ‘90s bringing the rock and roll musical icons and images of each decade to life in vibrant pop art form.

David Gildersleeve, our maestro of pop, infused his creations with his whimsical spirit. Gildersleeve's work is a dynamic fusion of artistic expression and the spirit of rock and roll pop art now impeccably reproduced through our state-of-the-art Canvas Giclee printing.

Whether you're a seasoned pop art enthusiast, an art connoisseur, or an interior designer looking to inject a burst of color and energy into a space, Canvas Pop Art Gallery is your gateway to the extraordinary.

Our curated collection not only pays homage to the pop art movement but also invites you to take a front-row seat in the ongoing revolution of visual expression, all showcased in the unparalleled quality of Canvas Giclee prints.